When you aren’t getting customers from your website, it can be confusing to figure out what the problem is. Fortunately, there is a simple process that often can help you identify quickly where your problems are:
1. Are people visiting your website?
If people are not visiting your website that could indicate a couple of problems. If you are running advertisements through search engines such as Google, are they being clicked? If not, you need to see if people are searching those terms, are your ads showing, and perhaps you should A/B test some different ads to see if you can improve your click-through rate (CTR). This could also indicate that you may need better search engine optimization on keywords.
2. Are people visiting your website, but not taking action?
If your analytics show that people are clicking on your website but not taking action you know the issue could be with website design, website speed, landing page content not driving sales, call-to-actions not being clear, too many steps needed to navigate, and maybe even your contact forms are not working. You may also want to start retargeting/remarketing campaigns to follow-up with those who bounce off of your website.
3. People visit website and take action….
Sometimes we find out that people are visiting the website, are taking action, but they aren’t being followed up in a timely manner or even at all. This leads to a loss in revenues and poor customer experience.
Another issue for appointment based businesses is that people take action (sign up for an appointment) and then no-show. These issues can be greatly reduced by setting up text and e-mail appointment reminders. We have reduced client no-shows by over 40% just by implementing text appointment reminders.
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