Andrew S. Grove Quote
3 Jan
Making Decisions When You Are Stuck

Almost every manager, business owner, or non-profit leader, at some point in their career, faces a crisis that causes their entire strategy to become obsolete and in need of quick revision. How they handle it can be the difference between success and failure. A great example of this was from Intel in the 1980s. According...

americanunion website
25 Dec
An American Union Website Launched

Jake Porter Consulting is happy to announce the launch of An American Union’s website. The American Union is a block of frustrated voters willing to ignore divisive partisan politics and put the focus back on doing what’s right for Americans. We demand immediate passage of our crowd-sourced legislation, the Blueprint for a Better America. When...

22 Jan
Always High Prices-Why We You Shouldn’t Compete On Price

“A big reason so many businesses compete on price is because they can’t prove what value they offer, so they’re stuck with the one selling point that’s a breeze to communicate: cheapness.”  Mish Slade, Author Pricing is part of your brand.  It is also part of your strategy.  It can make or break you.  Too...

26 Dec
Keep It Simple

We’ve all heard the latest business buzzwords that are absolutely meaningless. Likewise, we have all heard the businesses that try to define themselves but they can’t. They want to be everything and they want to list every service or product they provide. Organizations often do the same thing. A non-profit that wants to help everyone...

3 Dec
Learning From Past Business Mistakes

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article by Francis Greene titled Why Entrepreneurs Don’t Learn From Their Mistakes. While second-chance stories are comforting, my research shows that entrepreneurs don’t learn from their mistakes. In fact, it’s the opposite: Fail once and you’re most likely to fail again. Believing in the myth only sets entrepreneurs up for...

1 Dec
Quickly Identify Where Your Online Marketing Problems Are

When you aren’t getting customers from your website, it can be confusing to figure out what the problem is.  Fortunately, there is a simple process that often can help you identify quickly where your problems are: 1. Are people visiting your website? If people are not visiting your website that could indicate a couple of...

15 Oct
Two Types of Advertising Small Business Owners Should Know

One of the most common advertising themes I hear is that ads should be placed where it is cheaper to reach viewers. This misconception often lands small businesses in trouble because it often leads us to wasting limited resources on reaching the wrong people or at best the right people at the wrong time. In...